Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tips For Choosing The Right Hair Color

When choosing a hair color, the trick is to complement your skin tone in order to minimize flaws and bring out the best in your complexion.

In general, you will have a cool skin tone if your hair is naturally bluish-black, dark brown, medium ash or golden blonde. Your skin will be pale, with pink or no undertones; medium, with pink, golden or no cheek color or very dark brown. "Cool Blues" do well with blue-red hair shades, such as burgundy, ruby, garnet, or cherry.

You will mostly likely have a warm skin tone if your natural hair color is red, reddish or golden brown, deep brown, strawberry blonde or natural golden blonde. Your skin will be pale, with peach or gold undertones; brown, with pink, butterscotch, copper, caramel or golden undertones or freckled. "Warm yellows" do best with copper, cinnamon, ginger, russet and strawberry shades of red hair color.

Quick tip: Another way to figure out if you have a warm or a cool skin tone is to look at the veins in your arm. If they look blue, chances are you are a cool; if they have more of a greenish tint, you're probably a warm.

General tips for warm/yellow/golden skin tones

 Try deep, rich base colors like dark golden brown, chestnut, mahogany or auburn
 Highlight with red, cinnamon or copper streaks General tips for cool/blue-red skin tones
 Try intense shades of brown, red or blonde for base color
 Highlight with wheat, honey, taupe or ash shades that contrast base
General tips for red, ruddy skin tones

 Avoid bright red tones, and don't over-bleach
 Cool ruddiness with beige, honey brown, golden or light coffee colors
General tips for cool/blue-red skin tones

 Try intense shades of brown, red or blonde for base color  Highlight with wheat, honey, taupe or ash shades that contrast base

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